A Portland Protester Tried To Reenact The Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad At A City Council Meeting And The Mayor Freaked Out

YouTube/The Oregonian – All was quiet at the Portland City Council meeting until a protester rapidly approached the dais, reaching into his pocket, and then handed Mayor Ted Wheeler a Pepsi.

Smug Portland mayor Ted Wheeler thinking his hit squad was gonna take that kid down for bringing a Pepsi to the podium:

And how about him burying Boston too? The arrogance of this Ted Wheeler character. Kendall Jenner cured hostilities at her protest with the power of sugary carbonation, why couldn’t this dude and his equally boyish build and multicultrual Sideshow Bob good looks do the same? But the amusing thing to me is..this is exactly what would go down if the situation in the ad happened in real life. You try to diffuse a situation with a Pepsi, you’re getting this reaction at best, tased at worst. To assume that I’d want a Pepsi in the first place is insulting, what was RC Cola not available? Diet Coke or bust, it’s called self respect. Awful attempt all around at going viral by this dude.

But also I loved the Mayor’s play on how he was a fool for rushing the stage. That security could not have been more complacent about stopping the situation. Granted if they gunned the dude down right there for holding a Pepsi can that would not have been a great move either but maybe run in and tackle the dude with some sense of urgency just to be safe? You could feel Wheeler’s disappointment they were so casual about saving his life with that Boston burn too, though I admire him for trying to spin it about how chill Portland is. Just an embarrassing performance all around, Kendall Jenner’s marketing decisions continue to tear people apart.

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