Shoutout To T-Rex's For Enjoying A Little Romancin' Before A Fuck Sesh

Guardian – It made its name by terrorising Earth at the end of the Late Cretaceous, but Tyrannosaurus rex had a sensitive side too, researchers have found.

The fearsome carnivore, which stood 20 feet tall and ripped its prey to shreds with dagger-like teeth, had a snout as sensitive to touch as human fingertips, say scientists…the snout is thought to have served another purpose. Experts believe that males and females rubbed their sensitive faces together in a prehistoric form of foreplay.

Everybody always thinks of the Tyrannosaurus Rex as one of the most vicious creatures to ever walk the Earth. Just a bunch of enormous sons of bitches who would terrorize the planet. Big, mean, predatory animals who cause nothing but harm and destruction. I can 100% relate because people say the exact same thing about me all the time. It’s tough being pigeonholed like that. Like yeah, sure, you’re huge and could destroy anything in your path at any give moment. But you can also have a sensitive side, too. And boy oh boy did the T-Rex have a sensitive side.

I bet if you asked anybody before reading this article how they would think T-Rex sex goes down, they’d say it would be like any ordinary one night stand. A quick bingo-bango-gogo. A hit it and quit it type of situation. T-Rex spazzes out of control for a little bit on top with his comidically small arms, finishes, calls an Uber for the girl dinosaur which looks a little something like this…

…and then never calls her again. But you’d be wrong. You’re totally misjudging the T-Rex and not giving him a fair chance just because of his outer appearance. Because as it would turn out, the T-Rex is a much more sensitive creature. The T-Rex will take you out to dinner first. The T-Rex is looking for a real connection here. The T-Rex will take the time to develop some little inside jokes between the two lovers. The T-Rex will go with the girl dinosaur to her grandmother’s 80th birthday party even though he knows it’s going to be a total drag. And most importantly, the T-Rex enjoys himself a little foreplay. He’s not in it just for himself. He doesn’t want to just fuck. He wants to make love. He wants to get a little nuzzle action in. And that’s just adorable.


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