In The Most Shocking News Ever, Men Are Four Times More Likely Than Women To Want To Have Sex On A First Date

The Sun – MEN are four times as likely as women to want sex on a first date, a survey has unsurprisingly found.

More than one in four blokes (28 per cent) would sleep with someone the first time they meet. But just one in 14 lasses (7 per cent) would do the same.

One in five adults (18 per cent) wants to jump into bed at the earliest opportunity. And one in eight (12 per cent) follow the “three date rule”, the survey of 39,000 Brits reveals.

They were asked: “When dating someone new that you liked, generally speaking, how many dates would you want to wait before having sex with them?”

One in seven (15 per cent) romantics said: “I’d wait until I was in love with them.”

I’m going to assume there isn’t a huge difference between the way Americans and Brits would vote here — then again the last time people thought they knew British voting they had that whole Brexit thing so that may not be a great assumption — but some of the numbers here are actually surprising. Of course guys are going to be like 4x as into banging the second a person with a vagina makes themselves available to them, that’s just nature. Caveman logic, plant seeds in the Earth and claim your turf whenever you can. But the fact that it’s still only 28 percent of them saying they’d have sex on a first date blows my mind. Yeah you shouldn’t always hook up the first time, easy way to get on the first train to Chlamydia Caverns. But the fact that it wasn’t at least half the guys like “Realistically, yes, I would have sex with a microwaved bagel on a first date if the opportunity presented itself” strikes me as a wee bit dishonest. Don’t try to impress a survey.

Shout to the Pres demographic for keeping it a bit more real:

Men aged 35 to 44 are most likely to want sex on a first date, at 35 per cent.

Speaking of trying to impress a survey, was the “I’d wait until I was in love with them” voters trying to have sex with the person asking the questions? Because that’s the only way I could see that being a real answer at any volume. Survey taking about important matters of the genitals is no time to start waxing romantic. Either that or the survey questions were sent back in time to the Victorian era like Martin Lawrence in the Academy Award winning Black Knight…overall there are some legitimately baffling results all around here.

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