Tomi Lahren Now Fired By Glenn Beck For Being Pro-Choice And Calling Conservatives Hypocrites

So a week ago Tomi Lahren was suspended by Glenn Beck for saying she’s pro-choice. She went on The View and, when asked a question about her pro-choice stance, she said she was indeed pro-choice because being FOR limited government but also FOR the government deciding what women do with their bodies is hypocritical.

Conservatives did not like this. Glenn Beck suspended her, then tried to figure out how to deal with one of his biggest stars going rogue and his base being pissed about it.

And now he has “permanently banned” her from The Blaze.

Live look at Glenn Beck after Lahren goes rogue.

For those that don’t know, Beck is a Never Trump guy. He balled his eyes out when Lyin’ Ted Cruz lost. Tomi Lahren is a YUGE Trump girl. This has put them on a bit of a collision course and just last month Beck acknowledged he had a Lahren problem.

Would also assume that for emotional rollercoaster lunatic Beck, these didn’t go over so well either.

Anyway, this was pretty much an inevitable path for Lahren, right? She’s 24 (a mere 2 years older than, let’s say, a 22-year-old). She hit fame a few years ago and sold her soul moving so far right to capitalize on that opportunity. And it worked — she gets millions and millions of hits on her takes.

But that’s not sustainable. There’s a ceiling playing that game and that ceiling unfortunately hits at Glenn Beck. She was either going to max out under the Beck umbrella and sit atop that plateau forever, or make a play and take a risk to get out from under it and lift that ceiling.

This is that play. By all accounts she’s been sparring with Blaze coworkers for months. Just last week another Blaze reporter said, “Even Hillary Clinton didn’t call pro-life conservatives hypocrites.”

Her contract was up in September and there’ve been rumors she’s got her eye on Megyn Kelly’s job at Fox. And Glenn Beck seems to be going through another “reinvention” of himself.

Bottom line, this is a good thing for Lahren. And, I think, a good thing for all of us — she HAS to be less psychotically off-the-cliff right and more reasonable wherever she lands, right?

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