Are These Pocket Pussies Or Children's Toys? The Debate Rages On

RACINE — A Racine, Wisconsin family says their principal accused their child of selling sex toys at school.

The 12-year-old girl’s father has been trying to clear his daughter’s name ever since she was suspended for three days from Trinity Lutheran School on Geneva Street in Racine.

Parents may recognize the toy in question. They are called “water snake wigglies.” The girl claims she had permission from a teacher to sell the children’s toys.

However, the principal at Trinity Lutheran School accused the student of selling what she thought were sex toys.

The school’s pastor, David Gehne, said this issue already went before the school board, which sided with the principal.

“We wouldn’t discuss the details of any situation regarding one of our children, they’re all minors,” said Gehne.

“In your wildest imaginations, no adult could possibly view this as a sex toy, this is a water-filled bag,” said Milt Habeck, the father of the girl.

Before we really get started, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Of course you could fuck one of those toys. You could fuck nearly anything if you’re horny enough. Caution, though. Those toys are slippery when wet. And calling it a water-filled bag isnt the best defense either because humans are 60 percent water. Checkmate.

David Gehne seems like a real barrel of fun. Dude, those are obviously water snake wiggles. If you think about fucking a water snake wiggle when you see one, you’ve got some issues.

“Hey, kid! Whaddya got there? Looks like a pussy!”

“No, mister! This is water snake wiggle. It’s a toy.”

“Then why am I fully erect? Give me that water snake wiggle so I can fuck it. You’re suspended!”

I’d be pissed if I was that little girl’s parents. My kid is just trying to make a buck and this repressed reverend wants to embarrass her in order to appear holier than thou. Fuck that. If you’re gonna get suspended for a sex toy, you might as well go all out. Start selling these bad boys to the kids in Geometry class. You’ll be rich by the end of the semester.

What that mouth do.

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