Snarf's In River North Fires All Of It's Employees Via Email 2 Days Before Christmas


(Source) With just days until Christmas, a Chicago sandwich shop abruptly fired all 20 of its employees via email Sunday night. Colorado-based Snarf’s Sub Shop said it was closing its River North location effective Monday for an “unknown period of time for this remodeling and reconcepting,” according to the email sent to Snarf’s employees and obtained by Grid Chicago.

“We really regret our employees were given last-minute notice, but they were aware of the loss of business during the past year,” Jill Preston, Snarf’s director of marketing, told HuffPost by phone Monday.

In the email’s eight-item list, number three was the kicker: “All staff is terminated, effective Monday, December 23, 2013.” Per the email, staff members were informed they could apply for unemployment and were invited to “keep an eye out for the grand opening of the new store.”

Preston said the store will be reconcepted as a burger joint similar to one of their Colorado locations and said the company was unable to retain or temporarily lay off employees since there’s no set date for the store’s re-opening. Preston said the 20 fired employees were largely part-time staffers; several managers were retained to oversee the reconcepting.



So I guess Snarf’s is public enemy number 1 around Chicago right now. Quick way to get everyone to hate your guts and boycott your business? How about fire your entire staff 2 days before Christmas via a fucking email. Brutal. And I get that a business has to make money, otherwise it’s not a business and therefore will eventually close. That all makes sense. You can’t stay open just because some people have a job. But holy shit talk about bad timing. How do you not do this last week? Or maybe next week? Basically any time besides the Sunday night before Christmas without even a face to face explanation. Sending a mass email to fire your staff is such a bullshit scumbag move. Can’t be a bigger pussy than that. At least pick up the phone and call someone. Meanwhile King Snarf CEO is probably in Vail with his family eating caviar and drinking hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows, you know those super fun ones that sort of disintegrate in your chocolate. Cold blooded to the max.



Also, the line

“keep an eye out for the grand opening of the new store.”


Is such a kick in the dick. You don’t fire someone and then tell them to be on the lookout for a chance to get their job back. Fucking common sense here.





Cousin Eddie would make the Snarf CEO see the light.

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