Non-Profit Group Says PETA Is A Slaughterhouse And A Grim Reaper For Animals

Fox NewsA national consumer non-profit group is assailing People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, for killing more than 1,000 dogs and cats last year at its headquarters in Norfolk, Va.

In a press release, the Center for Consumer Freedom calls PETA’s shelter at its Virginia location a “slaughterhouse” where it “has once again massacred scores of potentially adoptable pets.”

PETA, the group said, is hypocritical.

PETA for years has been a target of criticism for its high rate – more than 80 percent over the years – of euthanasia at the shelter, the only one it runs, according to the Religion News Service.

PETA officials have said that animals suffer far worse fates than euthanasia, such as illness, pain, and not being adoptable.

Will Coggin, director of research for the Center for Consumer Freedom, told Fox News that his organization wants the public to know that PETA is two-faced when it presents itself as a defender of animals.

“PETA’s disregard for the lives of animals is disgraceful,” Coggin said.

He said the animal-rights group routinely kills over a thousand pets each year.

“It would be better if PETA never even touched the animals, that way they might actually have a chance at life,” he said. “PETA holds itself out as a savior, but it is really just a Grim Reaper.”

Look this is probably just some fringe group trying to get some attention and Fox News is biting hard on it but I don’t care. Love love LOVE when someone like PETA gets painted as complete frauds. Complete hypocrites. Beside themselves crying and throwing fake blood when Big Cat stuffs 12 hot dogs down his throat meanwhile they’re over here slaughtering friendly pets left and right, executing 80% of the creatures that come through their “shelter.”

I really don’t mind if you slaughter animals. That’s not a big concern of mine. We’re carnivores and we’re more important than other animals (with the exception of dogs) so slaughter away. Protein, clothing, shelter. Need those things. I only mind it when your entire modus operandi is saving and protecting and cherishing animals’ lives and you viciously BERATE everyone over it. That’s when PETA can suck it.

PS — Hero.

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