Tampa Woman Makes Attacker Hold Up An "I Beat Women" Sign Instead Of Pressing Charges And Sending Him To Jail, Wait What?




TAMPA, Fla. – He sat on a stool in a dunce cap, puzzling Tampa drivers for hours with a sign that read: “I BEAT WOMEN. HONK IF I’M A SCUMBAG,” boldly written in black marker. “He’s doing it because he doesn’t want to go to jail,” Alisha Hessler said. Hessler, 20, is the one who put him up to it. She says she met the man Saturday night when friends of hers brought him along to go clubbing. But on the way home, Hessler says he started making unwanted sexual advances toward her in the backseat of the car. She says she asked him to stop, then hit him when he didn’t.

“That’s when he started beating me repeatedly until I had a broken nose and a concussion,” Hessler said. On Sunday morning, police were called to her house and a police report was filed, and Hessler was taken to the hospital for her injuries. But in a peculiar turn of events, she decided to not press charges. Hessler found the man on Facebook, who WFTS-TV chose not to name, and gave him the following ultimatum. “I can either press charges and have you arrested for a year, or I can have you sit outside at a busy intersection for eight hours holding up a sign that says I beat women,” Hessler said.

What the fuck? Ummm, Hey Alisha, sorry you got hit in the face by this scumbag, maybe you’re still a little fuzzy from your concussion, but your logic here makes ZERO sense. Negative logic.  A guy who beats the shit out of a woman (on the first date no less) definitely deserves to go to jail. That’s what jail is for, to get assholes like this off the street. I mean I don’t want to say your whole little shaming plan isn’t working but if you ask me whether or not the guy sitting in his Ralph Lauren sweatshirt playing candy crush will stop beating women I’m going to have to say no.
You basically gave him a break for the day. He’s literally doing what I do every Saturday/Sunday. Just sit and look at my phone. This isn’t a punishment this is a vacation. But no, you really showed him, that day he had to sit at an intersection for beating you up taught him a valuable lesson that going to jail for a year and sucking dick would never have taught him. Jesus christ are people really this dumb?
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