Video Of Russian Man Jumping Into A Pool Of Oil And Seemingly Regretting Doing So Immediately

No. No thank you. Jumping in a pool full of dirty oil is something that I very much do not want to do. I hate getting stuff all over my face. It’s why I avoid getting my face painted at the fair. I hate having to scrub my eyes, and I don’t want to spend the next few hours feeling like one of those ducks on Saved By The Bell. Kelly Kapowski isn’t walking through that door to clean you.

I looked around the video a few times and didn’t see any beers or booze. It wasn’t a booze-filled jump in oil, as I expected. Just seems like it was another day at the Russian Dirty Oil Park with a couple of your closest friends acting silly as hell and taking a quick dip in some pre-recycled oil. Fucking Russians, man.

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