Donald Trump's Hair Hanging On For Dear Life Is A Sight To See

That was borderline poetic. Somebody needs to put that to dramatic music and put it in a museum somewhere. How the fuck did it stay attached? How? There were multiple times where I was like, “OHHHHHH HERE IT GOES!” and then it didn’t. Donald Trump’s hair is like the guy in Hot Tub Time Machine who gets his arm ripped off. We’re not sure when it’s gonna happen but it’s absolutely gonna happen. Although that kinda settles the debate on whether he was fake hair or not, right? That shit has to be real. Even the best glue in the world would’ve given way to those type of gusts. I’ll tell you what, if nothing else, Trump is the absolute king of the misdirect. Like I’m sure there are a billion more important things we could be talking about in regards to a Trump presidency but all I wanna talk about is how amazing it is to watch his hair almost get blown off. He’s a genius in his own special way.

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