Do Movie Stars Hate Emily Ratajkowski For Being The Hottest Chick In Hollywood?

As far as I understand it, Hollywood is a lot like Mean Girls. You have your queen bees, your outsiders, the nerds, the jocks, etc. Everyone has a clique. But I don’t ever see EmRat hanging out with other Hollywood girls. She’s not in the Taylor Swift cool girl club, she’s never seen on vacation with any of the other bad bitches, and the most damming thing- she had a pretty decent role in “Gone Girl” and hasn’t really been seen in the movies since.

So what’s the deal? It’s of my opinion that she’s too hot. It all makes sense. Hollywood is filled with the hottest chicks in the world, and she is hotter than all of then, so what happens? They blacklist her. They kick her off the tour, Doug. Everyone is intimidated by her. She’s the girl in middle school who gets tits early and steals all the boys attention so all the other girls hate her.

She had that rant a couple years ago about how she was always typecasted as the “hot chick”…and I’m kinda starting to believe her. She might literally be too hot. How can other movie stars compete with this?

They all have to despise her. So instead of pandering to Hollywood, she just stunts all over them.

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Hollywood- stop being petty little bitches and let EmRat in your movies. It’s not rocket surgery, she puts asses in seats, stop being a bunch of Regina Georges and let her into the Plastics.

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