Does This Look Like The Face Of A Man Arrested For Trying To Rob A Walgreens/The Biggest Bulls Fan Ever?




(Source) A gunman who pistol-whipped a Walgreens employee while trying to rob one of the chain’s Chicago stores was foiled after the store manager wrestled him down until police arrived. Benjamin Strong, 21, was ordered held on $275,000 bond Sunday after police say he tried to rob the Walgreens in the 2400 block of West North Avenue just after closing time on Saturday, the Sun-Times reports. Around 12:15 a.m., police saw a 20-year-old employee with blood streaming from his head outside the West Town store, the Tribune reports. The employee reportedly flagged down officers and told them, “He’s robbing us with a gun, he’s still inside.” Police believe Strong hid inside the store before employees locked up for the night. He reportedly struck the employee after coming across him in a store room, DNAinfo Chicago reports, citing the arrest report. Police say Strong demanded cash and pointed the loaded gun at the employees.



Classic good news bad news situation for our friend Benjamin Strong. Bad News – when your name is Benjamin Strong and you rob people for a living with a tattoo that says “Almighty Dollar” you should probably be more skilled in hand to hand combat so that you don’t get thwarted by some fat middle aged Walgreen’s store manager. That is never a good look for one’s street cred, especially a fine young gentleman like yourself.


Good news, actually this is great news. By the time you get out jail Ben D-Rose will most likely be back and that enormous neck tattoo of yours can be worn with significantly more pride than it currently carries. Tank for Jabari Bulls, but also tank for Ben.

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