Question Of The Day, Should I Buy Cubs Season Tickets?



So a friend of mine got his number called for season tickets yesterday and he’s looking for people to split it with. I actually split season tickets back in 2008 and 2009 (had to give them up because it got too expensive) and I’m not sure I want to go back down that road. Part of me says Hey Big Cat, this will be awesome because when the Cubs are good again you’ll have season tickets and that will be totally sweet. Then the other part of me says Hey Big Cat, you fucking moron, the Cubs will never ever be good again stop being such a tool. So you see the dilemma. It’s basically paying for 3-4 more years of Wednesday afternoon games in April against the Astros when the Cubs are already eliminated from the playoffs on the hope that somewhere down the line they will put out a team that isn’t a glorified AAA product.



So what do Stoolies think? Remember I’m not buying the whole thing (I’m not rich), it’s just a portion of 2 tickets. So am I a fucking idiot for even considering this or an awesome riverboat gambler seeing a badass investment opportunity?


Vote 1 for You’re crazy, don’t do it and vote 10 for you’re so crazy you’re actually a genius, buy the tickets.

(683 votes, average: 8.55 out of 10)



Also if I do it, the move has to be bleachers right? My old seats were upper-deck, very little sun and people are always walking in front of you, can’t be up top where the beer guys only make a stop every couple of innings.





Just to put it in proper perspective, this is an actual marketing campaign for the season tickets I’m considering buying. “We have to win eventually because it’s physically impossible to lose every year for the rest of infinity, at least we hope”. Love it!


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