This Old Guy Has One Hell Of A Violent Tumble Down An Escalator

JEEEEEEEEEEEESUS. That was rough. That wasn’t nearly as fun as I was hoping it would be. I went into that looking for a quick laugh on a rainy Thursday morning and instead came away feeling pretty damn terrible about myself. That was How Not To Ride An Escalator 101 from that old fella. Surfers can’t ride waves as good as that dude rode that escalator. It got so bad that I was actually screaming advice from my computer. He did the opposite of what he needed to do. Sit up dude! Sit up! Sit up! Stop rolling! Why are you rolling so much?!?! I will say this, if he were on fire he would’ve been golden. That fire would’ve been out instantly. Unfortunately for him he was tumbling down an escalator and rolling was the very last thing he needed to do. He rolled so much during that ordeal that a part of me thinks he’s in it for the money. I’m not saying he rode the escalator wave so he could sue the company/mall he was in but I’m not not saying that either. Stay Woke 2017.

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