Corinne From The Bachelor Compares Herself To Michael Jordan And Abraham Lincoln Because They All Took Naps

Michael Jordan.

Honest Abe.

Crazy Corinne.

Three great figures in American history. Three figures they’ll be talking about in the classroom from now until the end of time. And what do all three have in common? Besides their respective greatness?


All the most successful and important people in humankind napped. Why do you think MJ was able to win 6 titles and 5 MVPs? Why do you think Abraham Lincoln was able to keep this country together during the most volatile circumstances America has ever faced? Its all the same reason that Corinne is able to run circles around her competition on the Bachelor. Its all the same reason why she can execute perfect mental warfare on these other bitches. Naps, yo. Naps. Corinne is fresh. Well rested. Motivated and ready. Its all because of naps that shes going to achieve her dream of getting engaged to a 4 time reality TV loser. That, and her propensity to show her tits and try to fuck him on television. Oh and her nanny. Cant forget Raquel the nanny. Who do you think makes those naps possible? Nanny does all the work whch allows you to catch some ZzZz’s.

Dont believe me? Take a look at Leonardo Da Vinci. 20 minute naps every 4 hours and you’ll be able to change the world. And thats just what Corinne is doing.

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