Derrick Rose May Have Been Considering Retirement The Other Night But Is Now Reportedly Seeking A Max Contract (5 Years, Almost $150 Million) From The Knicks

ESPN- In the five or six hours that Derrick Rose failed to communicate with the New York Knicks on Monday night, he created a void. No one within the organization knew where their starting point guard was, and they were looking for information. So members of the organization reached out to those familiar with Rose in an effort to locate him. Most of those efforts proved fruitless. But in those conversations, some in the organization were led to believe he was considering an extended absence from the court — possibly retirement, sources said, confirming a New York Daily News report.

Other reports indicated he was away from the team because he missed his family or because of a rift in his relationship with head coach Jeff Hornacek. Rose shot down many of those theories during an interview with reporters at the Knicks’ practice facility Tuesday. “It had nothing to do with the team or basketball,” Rose said. “That’s the first time I ever felt like that emotionally, and I had to be with my family.”

Now that Rose is back, it’s unclear what his future is with the club. Before this incident, Rose made it clear he’d welcome a long-term deal with New York. The Knicks were said to be keeping an open mind about a long-term relationship with Rose, but the trust that has eroded between the point guard and the organization will surely factor into any decision the club makes. Members of the organization used the word “embarrassment” to describe how the Rose ordeal played out Monday night.

And then there is the potential price tag. Some close to Rose have told friends he will seek a max contract this summer. For Rose, that pact would be for five years and nearly $150 million.

*Rereads the contract Derrick Rose wants from the Knicks after Monday night*

*Remembers this is the Knicks we are talking about and anything is possible*

What a fucking story that is. Only in New York, folks (because only the Knicks would get stuck in an absolutely ridiculous situation like this). Derrick Rose doesn’t seem to be sure that he wants to play basketball anymore. But if he does, he wants to be played like a superduperstar, even though he was benched for Ron Baker because Rose couldn’t stop an injured Derrick Rose from getting to the tin. Unfuckingbelievable.

And of course Derrick Rose is seeking a max contract. Every player in the NBA is seeking a max contract. My fat ass hasn’t picked up a basketball in almost a year and I’m seeking a max contract. The reason this story hasn’t been laughed off of the internet is because it is the New York Knicks we are talking about. The same team that traded a first rounder for Andrea Bargnani fresh off a 12 and 7 season. The same team that used the Allan Houston Exception on Jerome Williams. The same team that hired Isiah Thomas to run the Liberty after the whole Anucha Browne Sanders fiasco. Every Knicks fan thinks of that stuff and knows that negotiations between Rose’s agent and the Zen Master could go exactly like this.

Rose’s Agent: Derrick loved his time in New York this season and would love to stick around. Given his past performance and good health this year, we’d like the maximum.

Phil Jackson: Does Derrick actually want to play basketball for 5 more years?

Agent: Maybe.

Phil: Will Derrick disappear from the face of the Earth again and not tell anyone where he is going?

Agent: Maybe.

Phil: Well I’m sold. I’ll print up the contract now, add a no trade clause, and Derrick can sign. Nothing can possibly go wrong!


Fuck this franchise.

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