These Nebraska Boys Were Straight Vibin' After Beating Iowa In OT

GET IT WHITE BOYS! GET IT! DON’T HAVE A HEART ATTACK BUT GET IT! As much as I want to hate that I can’t. I just have to swallow my pride and tip my cap to those Nebraska fans. Iowa and Nebraska played one hell of a basketball game last and to the victor go the spoils. Their team came out on top so they’re the ones who get to lean with it and rock with it in the crowd. You know the saying “dance like nobody’s watching”? Well there’s also one that I just made up that says “spit memorized hip hop lyrics like there isn’t a Big Ten Network camera about to pan to you” and those dudes nailed it. Again, good for them. I fucking hate Nebraska but I’m no stranger to shouting Lil Jon songs until my lungs bleed. I reserve THE right to do that whenever my college basketball team wins a big-ish game. Seriously though. That guy in the middle should probably get his blood pressure cheeked.

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