Soulja Boy Liked A Picture Of Chris Brown's Girlfriend On Instagram, So Chris Brown Wants To Fight Him

It’s hard to know where to stand on this one. An esoteric question for the ages: does liking someone’s girl’s Instagram picture make one a bitch? Or does angrily telephoning the picture-liker make one a bitch? Or does posting about the encounter on Twitter directly after make one a bitch? Could they, in fact, both be bitches? Is there some weird cancelling out that could mean that neither one of them are actually bitches? In earnest, it is not for this weary traveler to say.

Soulja continued his malcontent postings, alluding to gang affiliations, further escalating an already tumultuous situation.

I don’t have a dog in the fight here, but I am kind of inclined to think Chris Brown would win in a fight? Why do I think that? I’m not sure. Maybe cause he plays basketball? Maybe cause I’ve heard about him beating up Frank Ocean or some shit? Maybe it was that other one time when he was involved in some sort of famous domestic dispute? I don’t know.

Soulja hopped up out of bed and turned his Periscope on to let the world know that he was not to be trifled with. In this video, he says he shot people before. Do I believe that? It sure is fun to think about.

Still, the feud borne of the Green Team vs. White Team at that one fateful Sprite Game lingers on. Anything for that limelight.

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