What Jumpsuit January Means To Me

Jumpsuit January’s underway, and contrary to the whispers in the streets, it’s not just a tribute to alliteration.

At least not to me. To me, it means much more. Wearing comfy and color coordinated stretchy clothes is a sign to everyone that when it’s all said and done, when all the cards are on the table, when the score is the only thing that matters, you’re nothing more than a ball player at heart. Wherever. Whenever. However. It’s a “forget the pregame, blow the horn” mentality. Soon as we jumpsuit guys decide it’s time to get busy, all bets are off. Whether it’s saving a woman or child from a burning building, or sliding to the other side of the paint in help-side defense to take a charge, or even stylishly yet comfortably flexing on your old high school h8rs in the skreets of your hometown. In January, you do it in a jumpsuit.

So it doesn’t matter how you were planning on starting your New Year. Dieting plan? Responding to emails quicker? More calls to your folks? Perfect. I don’t like it, I love it. You need to do them all. And you will. In a jumpsuit.

Oh, and the movement’s already started… Don’t be the person who doesn’t know what’s going on in Game of Thrones.

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