Club Uses Video Proof To Show That Hipsters Look Like Douchebags When They're Trying To Take A Picture



(Source) THE ORGANISERS OF the controversially named club night C.U.N.T. have put together a montage of attendees who think they’re having their photo taken, but who are in fact being filmed. It is a thing of beauty, mostly thanks to the fact that most of those who feature are of the mirror-loving hipster variety. Watch as they pout, desperate for the love of the camera, yearning for a flash that will never come.



This is brilliant. Yes no one takes a picture in an exactly graceful manner, but hipsters taking pictures is even better. Just the perfect combination of ABSURD poses and “I think I’m so fucking cool” attitudes. Anyway, here were the best.



Guy with the 2 most handsome women on earth. Not surprised he’s trying to choke himself with that shirt



Guys who cut each other’s hair



Mustaches and real pirates, match made in heaven.



Scarf kissies for everyone!


I’m basically staring in the mirror here. Work on your eyebrows though. Weak Sauce.


Middle black bar and white shirt, that wasn’t an accident, I like it.



Sweet nails bro.



I legit want to party with the guy on the right. NO idea where he is.


Grossest duck face of all time.




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