Vince Wilfork's Kid Arrested for Possession of a Metric Butt Ton of Codeine


TMZVince Wilfork’s 19-year-old son was arrested last week after cops say he was in possession of a BUNCH of codeine — and he now faces up to 20 YEARS in prison … TMZ Sports has learned.

D’Aundre Holmes-Wilfork — a safety at the University of Houston — was in a 2011 Kia that was pulled over for a routine traffic stop in Friendswood, Texas around midnight on Dec. 21st.

According to the police report, cops found 381 grams of codeine — and arrested D’Aundre on the spot for possession of substance in penalty group 4 … which is a felony.

If convicted, D’Aundre faces 2 to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

This is just awful news. Vince Wilfork has spent 12 years now breathing the rarefied air of pro athletes that no one doesn’t like. A big, lovable, iconic fat man and a unicorn in as much as he managed to come out of the U. of Miami giving scouts zero concerns about his character. As a matter of fact, my favorite Vince story of all time involves the scandal at the U. where Nevin Shapiro was handing out cash, jewelry, cars and hookers to Hurricanes’ players. Once Wilfork made the pros and was asked about it, he never insulted anyone’s intelligence by claiming he didn’t take any gifts. He just admitted he and Bianca took their payout in the form of a washer and dryer. A man like that can drink from my canteen anytime.

So while I wouldn’t wish this on anybody, the fact that a couple like that has to deal with a kid getting popped for possession, especially right on the eve of the playoffs like this, is tough to take. God knows I have my vices. Though my drugs come brewed, fermented and distilled. But I’m pretty small “l” libertarian when it comes to this stuff. If D’Aundre Wilfork wants to put codeine in his system, who am I to judge. But 381 grams? That’s enough to get Johnny Manziel and Charlie Sheen through a holiday season in Thailand.

Again, I’m not judging. You just have to feel bad for one of the most beloved couples in all of sports. The good news though, is this almost guarantees D’Aundre will get drafted in the first round by the Bengals.

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