I Didn't Know How To React To Andrew Ladd Picking Corners Last Night

I’m at a serious impasse right now.

Look, Ladd’s been a bust thus far, no way around it. His production, or lack there of, has been the deepest stain on the ugly sweater that is the Isles season. So when he picked a corner on Anders Nilsson last night to make it 4-0 I honestly, genuinely, and truthfully didn’t know how to react.

Before coming to New York my man A-Ladd was a goal scoring machine and had made quite the name for himself around the league in doing so. Since signing he’s been everything but and is currently rocking a projected points total of 19 on the year.

So my question is – If Andrew Ladd is scoring again, does it make sense because Ladd used to be a deadly goal scorer in years[literally months] past, and he’s beginning to find his form again? Or does it continue with my theme that nothing makes sense this season? All of sudden, when the $5.5 millon dollar man can’t buy a goal, like an angel from the clouds, he scores a beauty like this? As if nothing ever happened and he hasn’t missed a step? A goal he wasn’t supposed to score in a game the Isles weren’t supposed to win. Zero sense, or all the sense?

This one is up for you to decided because I just can’t. I’m losing sleep trying to figure out this team and now that Ladd is apparently back to scoring dandies it just means there’s another piece added to the puzzle. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here.

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