South Carolina Proposes A Bill To Make You Pay For All Online Porn

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — People buying computers in South Carolina would be limited in their access to porn online under newly proposed legislation.

A bill pre-filed this month by state Rep. Bill Chumley would require sellers to install digital blocking capabilities on computers and other devices that access the internet to prevent the viewing of obscene content.

If I know the readers of this website at all, I know that you all aren’t gonna be happy with this one. Paying 20 dollars a month for porn online is outrageous. I mean, you can watch what? Two, maybe 3 minutes of porn six to seven times a day? So South Carolina expects people to pay 20 dollars a month for 30 minutes of access? Buddy, Netflix is only 10.99 a month and I can watch that for hours before coming (see what I did there) exhausted.

The idea of having some digital blocking device that can prevent me from going to certain types of websites treads on me. I’m not a fan of being treaded on.

Let me be perfectly clear, I’m not sure if I’m currently being treaded on by having certain types of content blocked on my computer. If I am, I am fed the hell up with these restrictions.

So, in short. Hey South Carolina, can you not?

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