Scott Hall With The Age Old "Forgot To Turn Off The Porn Before Posting a Picture Of His Xmas Tree" Mistake

Hate when that happens. You have the wreath up, the lights are hanging, the tree is decorated to the nines, the cocoa is brewing, the fire is illuminating the room, andddddd you forgot to shut the hardcore, splattered paint gangbang off the TV. But this is Scott Hall we are talking about, so OF COURSE he watches hardcore porn on his living room TV like it’s an episode of Seinfeld. He probably doesn’t even jerk off to it, just watches it. So it didn’t even dawn on him to turn it off for the Xmas pic until the comments were like, hey bro, you have Back Door Sluts 9 on the big screen. Razor Ramon lives by his rules, not ours, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As a new porn star breaking into the industry, I respect Hall for keep us mainstream. Don’t porn shame. But maybe also just don’t post a public Instagram with titties flapping in the wind. Middle ground is always best.

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