There Was A Fucking BRAWL At The Checkout Line Of A Walgreens Last Night

First of all, I’d like to cover all bases and start this blog by wishing him and his family my T’s and P’s if he did die via Walgreens checkout line. It’s not quite the death anyone plans on, but sometimes things get heated in the 10 items or less line, and that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Some people die in their sleep, some people die at Walgreens with a pack of gum and a bottle of Head and Shoulders in their hands. C’est la vie.

Second of all, what could possibly make you go full WWE like this in the checkout line of a Walgreens? Just put your headphones on, listen to some music, and mind your business. I have to assume someone cut the line, words were exchanged, and the big tough guy in the suit was like “time to teach hoodie here a lesson” by paralyzing him. Look man, even if he did cut you in line, you don’t want to go to jail for 20 years because someone smudged your Puma. In the words of a top 12 ranked podcast of the year, just chill out man.

PS: Fight reminded me of the classic Stone Cold vs Booker T grocery store brawl

Stone Cold singing “That’s Amore” into a sausage, and Stone Cold walking out through the milk fridge are all-time moments.

PS: I just realized KFC is about a day away from this being him at Rite Aid. Sometimes you just want to buy a gallon of milk and not wait a half hour for a new cashier to be called, and you just lose your cool. This could be the thing that breaks KFC once and for all.

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