"She Is Dead": Lady Hockey Player Conjures Up The Spirit Of Scott Stevens And Delivers Huge Hit

“She’s dead. She is dead. Teammates coming to check on her but it doesn’t matter, she is dead”. 

From the very minimal research that I’ve done on this hit, I’m pretty sure this is the chick’s brother on the commentary. And I’m pretty sure they’re both Philly/Delco natives. But what a combo they both make. Little sis out on there literally murdering chicks on the ice. Then you’ve got big bro up in the stands doing his best to become the Philly version of Doc Emrick.

And I guess this is why some people got so outraged at Pat Maroon for calling hockey “a man’s game”. Because you’ve got girls like this turning back the clock and bringing hockey back to it’s glory days. MAKE HOCKEY VIOLENT AGAIN. Sure, she may have chicken winged this girl a bit and drove her elbow through her jaw. But I guess that’s what happens when you watch a hundred Scott Stevens highlight videos on YouTube before every game. And maybe she taught that other girl a valuable lesson. When you’re coming through the slot like that, keep your head on a swivel or else it’s dirt nap time. Thoughts and Prayers.

h/t Keith


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