So Remember Allie The Alligator Found At O'Hare? Well Now The Police Need Your Help In Finding This Lady Who Brought The Alligator To The Airport On The Blue Line


(Source) Working with Chicago police, CTA security officials found a picture posted to a social media website of a woman carrying the reptile as she boarded a CTA Blue Line train. An investigation into the incident revealed the woman was boarding a northbound Blue Line train at the Pulaski Station around 1:15 a.m. Nov. 1. Interior rail car cameras showed the woman holding the alligator in her hands and showing it to other passengers during her trip. Around 2:15 a.m., the woman left the train with the alligator at the O’Hare Blue Line terminal, according to the CTA.

By 2:44 a.m., she was spotted near the turnstiles of the O’Hare rail station without the alligator, the CTA added. Police say the woman or others responsible for leaving the alligator could face a misdemeanor charge of cruel treatment of an animal or face a fine of $300 to $1,000 for cruelty to animals for abandoning the animal in a public place. Anyone with information should contact CTA’s Customer Service 1-888-YOUR-CTA


Original Story


Well this sort of ruined the whole Alligator story. Here I was thinking that the Alligator either 1) Was a mutant gator born in the sewers and traveled on his own to O’Hare or 2) Was being handled by some awesome Australian outback dude with a khaki suit and cool hat. Nope, just a fat hipster looking chick who probably lives in a studio in wicker park and is trying to make it as an artist, spending her days listening to vinyl records and constantly telling people how real art is dead. Literally the very last person I would expect to be carrying around an alligator on the blue line. Just set the owning an alligator bar as low as humanly possible. As far as I’m concerned alligators are basically the new cats. All mystique gone, because if this chick can own one, anyone can, so I’m no longer interested.





Chances this chick also owns multiple ferrets? %1,000

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