Mom Texts Son A Video Of Her Rapping "Funkdafied" By Da Brat And Tells Him That's Real Rap

Listen I am just going to come out and say it. That was SEXY. It is one thing for your mom to tell you that she hates your music. It is quite another for her to say your music isn’t real hip hop and then spit bars all over your face. And it’s not like she was singing some weak ass poppy Beyonce song. She went with Da Brat. If the pattern on the steering wheel didn’t tell you this mom was a ride or die chick, her dropping lyrics from Da goddamn Brat did. This kid should just be happy his mom didn’t follow this video up with a stunning rendition of “How Many Licks” by Lil’ Kim. And if I had to bet my life on it, I would say this mom has a tremendous lower back tattoo. Goddamn the 90s and 2000s were a magical time.

P.S. But seriously, who the fuck is 21 Savage?

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