KFC Going Absolutely Hammer Time On A Gigantic Sandwich In The Middle Of The Barstool Feature On Fox

I love how Barstool this is without even trying to be Barstool. Fox comes in, sets up all their professional equipment, the big dog Duke Castiglione himself rolls up and starts interviewing people, getting some wide shots of the office, just a bunch of young professionals putting in work at a hot innovative company annnnnnnnnd there’s KFC taking a massive foot long Italian hero straight to the fucking face. Pounding prosciutto and mozzarella and soppressata with olive oil dripping down his chin splattering on the desk and shit. Just DGAF.

Listen Fox if you tell us to “just act natural” in the background, this is what you’re gonna get. KFC eating like a disgusting slob while the CEO discusses the future of the company.

TFW you star in Fox 5 feature and all anybody can talk about is you destroying a sub sandwich:

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