Amare Stoudemire Seems To Be Having Fun Playing Basketball And Trucking Fools In Israel

STAT!!! Good to see the old savior of the Knicks is establishing dominance over in the Promised Land. And I see the cornrows have made their way back as well. Everything is coming up Amare. The fans and the players probably don’t even know that STAT was washed by the end of his NBA career. He can just show up, hammer down a couple dunks, throw a few body blows at some dudes named Ari, and be worshipped as a conquering hero. It’s probably an honor to be truck sticked by Amare AKA the best “Jewish” basketball player any of us will ever see. And I say “Jewish” because I’m honestly not sure what the fuck is going on with him being Jewish or not. But that dude better ice up after taking a STAT shoulder to the body and then bathe in the finest Manischewitz he can get his hands on.

That being said, Amare is lucky this wasn’t the Israeli he mollywhopped.

Pretty sure Israel Amare would have ended up on the injured list indefinitely like old American Amare.

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