A Bunch Of Bees Stinging A Giant Spider To Death Is Your Hate-Watch Video Of The Day
I’m torn here. I’m on record as being a big spider hater. So much so that I’ve declared war on all spiders. If you see a spider, you have to kill it. You can’t run away like a little bitch. You gotta man up and squash that fucker. Why? Cause that’s one less spider breathing today than there was yesterday and that’s good for all of us. That’s one less spider who can scare someone else. We get closer to winning the war against spiders with every squash. But even with all that said, fuck those bees man. That wasn’t right. They basically gang raped that spider with their sharpened tails. It was gross. It was inhumane. Insect-on-insect crime is disgusting. I guess it really comes down to would you rather have the bees win and then they can sting you or have the spider win and then it can scare you/bite you? In that case I’d side with the bees but god damn that was a brutal way to go out for that spider. Fuck’em I guess.