Dads All Over The Country Are Having Deep Regret About Traveling On Thanksgiving

On an episode of Podfathers we discussed how the lead up to traveling was better than the actual traveling itself. You had delusions of grandeur about Thanksgiving, didn’t you? You really did. You thought this was gonna be different. You are now in the zone where you are driving or packing your car up. You might be the Stoolie who is taking a mid-car-loading up shit and decided to check your barstool app for an update. You are about to go through hell, and you know it.

You might be the Stoolie who is already sitting in traffic. Your kids are going absolutely bananas in the backseat and you have HOURS left to go. Your wife is telling you to get off your phone but you wanna escape your reality for just one minute, so here you are: reading this. She’s right. You’re being dangerous.

You are deep in the holiday regret zone, and it’s written all over your face. You wish you made an excuse. “Cant get off work.” “The kids are sick.” “I have unrelenting diarrhea.” Anything would have worked. Now you cant put the “vacation” toothpaste back in the tube. You’re fucked. You are going through this for people who you barely even like. At least you have to load everything back up in 3 days and fight traffic on the way home. You’ll be exhausted, fresh off of a four day weekend, and you’ll crave the drive to work on monday morning. Enjoy your long, holiday weekend, fellas. I’m staying in town and eating Thanksgiving with my pals and their families. I have no regrets.

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