It's Thanksgiving Week And Our Government Is Battling The Shit Out Of Indians Over The Dakota Access Pipeline

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a $3.7 billion project conceived and designed to pump crude oil 1,200 miles from North Dakota to Illinois, where it can then be transported across the eastern seaboard. Sounds like some good clean fun, right? Wrong.

The pipeline will border Indian tribal land and go underneath the Missouri River. Indians (think major newspapers and academics call them Native Americans now?) don’t like this, arguing staunchly that the pipeline will contaminate their rightful land, their water supply, ruin sacred sites and violate some treaties/land deals.

I haven’t written about the pipeline because, well, who really gives a shit? We’re predominantly up in the northeast worrying about safe spaces and protesting democracy, don’t really have the time to talk about pipes in North Dakota.

Things change, however, when I purchase the on-flight WiFi and read about our government shooting rubber bullets, water cannons and tear gas at Indians on my flight home for Thanksgiving. That’s a far cry from the things I learned while drawing up sweet hand-turkeys in elementary school.

Protesters — by the hundreds and, overall, thousands — have turned out in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to stop the construction of the pipeline. They’ve done this since last summer, but things ramped up this week when hundreds were injured Sunday night/Monday morning.

This is North Dakota. In late November. It’s cold as fuck. Imagine what rubber bullets and water cannons do to you?

(kinda love that tribal music tbh)

One protester may lose her damn arm.

Both sides have blamed the other for the explosion that caused such harm.

Bernie’s been ranting and raving about the pipeline with what look like a bunch of badass Indian chiefs in front of the White House for basically ever.

So yeah, a lot of fuss over a little pipe in the ground.

Seems harmless enough to me but then again I’m not an Indian and oil sucks when someone fucks up dealing with it. The construction has temporarily been paused while negotiations with Native American leaders go on.

The first Thanksgiving was 395 years ago. Still got some things to iron out — let’s hope somebody’s got some good ideas, dare I say it, in the pipeline.

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