Pussification Of Canada: Politician Gets Lectured For Saying The Word "Fart" In Parliament

Gotta say that this isn’t the best look for Canada. All I hear about is how Canadians, while nice, are tough as nails. So I don’t know what the fuck Lizzy May had against the word “fart” being used in the sacred grounds of Canadian parliament while spelling it out like some old coot. Michelle Rempel is out here grinding for Alberta. Probably fighting tooth and nail to get some more Canadian loonies (dollars) and Tim Horton’s up to her province. The little bit I know about Alberta is that it is the home of the Calgary Flames, the Edmonton Oilers, and Bret “The Hitman” Hart AKA three franchises that have not been relevant forever. Remp Dawg can’t worry about old bat from the Gulf Islands of all places chirp at her about her language. Typical Gulf Islander censorship right there. Fuck that noise. Michelle Rempel is here to make Alberta great again. She should have told Lizzy to suck a fart out of her ass after she refused to apologize. That’s how you move the needle up North. If you poke the bear, you better be ready to drop the gloves. Pretty sure that’s in the first line of Canada’s constitution or whatever the hell they have up there.

P.S. This dude LOVED when Chelle’s Bells dropped the “fart” bomb at the 15 second mark.

h/t upm

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