Minnesota High School Wrestler Casually Shovels Snow In His Singlet

I wanna call this kid a hardo but that’s just a wrestler being a wrestler. Every wrestler is a hardo but not every hardo is a wrestler. That’s how I look at it. This is just what wrestlers do. They’re crazy and sick in the head. I know because I grew up around hundreds. maybe thousands, of them. They wrap their bodies in saran wrap then put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and then put on another sweatshirt and sweatpants and then put on another sweatshirt and sweatpants and then hop on a stationary bike in a sauna. Just to cut weight and wrestle another dude. They voluntarily go out for a sport that will lead to them not being able to touch a single plate of food at Thanksgiving. Most of the time there’s a nasty disease growing on their face called shingles that make Saw movies look like Dora the Explorer.

Lots of their ears look like this

It’s madness. So a wrestler shoveling snow in his singlet isn’t really out of the ordinary in terms of wrestler behavior. That’s just how they roll.

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