This Dog Dropped The Most Impressive #MannequinChallenge I Have Seen

Yeah the mannequin challenge has probably already expired by today’s internet standards, but I don’t give a shit. If I didn’t see this dog’s eyes move for a brief second, I could have sworn it was dead. Because no living creature should be able to put a nacho cheese Dorito in it’s mouth without immediately eating it. But he did that and so so so much more. Impressive as fuck, whether it’s an actor dog, a dog that would do anything to go viral, or just the most obedient dog on the planet. That dog is the best dog I have ever seen in my life and deserves free Doritos for life for those delightful 45 seconds.

P.S. If I spelt mannequin right but challenge wrong in my super duper viral tweet’s #mannequinchallenge hashtag, it would drive me NUTS for the rest of my life.

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