Wet Blanket Mom In Orland Park Is Trying To Stop People From Watching Porn At The Public Library



CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) – One south suburban woman is fighting a public library for allowing adults to surf porn. The Orland Park Public Library says it allows adults to have unlimited access to the internet as long as it’s not illegal. It’s a sensitive subject, but pornography is legal in Illinois. The Orland Park Public Library says banning it could be a First Amendment issue. Megan Fox visited the Orland Park Public Library last month with her two young children and was shocked when she went to the adult computer area.

“Immediately when I sat down at the computer, I saw a man in front of me with pornographic images on his screen,” Fox explains. She immediately filed a complaint and discovered adults can view pornographic sites. The library says it allows this because it ‘may’ violate the First amendment. “We understand that adults should have unfettered access to the internet in our adult area. However, only adults ages 18 and up are allowed in our adult area,” Orland Park Public Library Spokesperson Bridget Bittman responds to the criticism. Adults are carded before they’re granted access to these computers. “We don’t allow access to illegal or obscene sites,” she continues. “We take that seriously and action will be taken.” Fox was concerned that might not always be the case. “Any place that allows men to go and look at pornography is probably going to be a place rife with crime and that’s what I found,” Fox tells FOX 32.

Fox filed a Freedom of Information request from the library and the Orland Park police department. She found that there were several incidents reported to police as well as some that weren’t. One instance involved a person who allegedly viewed child pornography that was not reported to police. The library says since that incident it’s reinforced training that they must always call the police in that situation.

“Any place that allows men to go and look at pornography is probably going to be a place rife with crime and that’s what I found,”
So you’re saying my apartment is rife with crime? And everyone’s cubicle? And any guy sitting in a waiting room looking at their IPhone? I mean if we’re saying any place that has a man looking at porn is rife with crime then the entire planet is rife with crime. Not one inch is safe, because here’s a little newsflash for you Megan Fox Suburban Mom of the Year (the name is too perfect), you can’t shut down porn. It’s an unstoppable force. There are 3 certainties in life, death, taxes, and men using their free time to look at porn. So go ahead and try to ban porn. Try to take our constitutional rights, but just know this, we’ll never stop watching porn whenever/wherever we can. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Now cue me Mike Cooper!

Totally missed it the first time through but did Megan Fox go into an adult’s only area and then complain? That’s like walking into a bar with your kid and saying people shouldn’t be drinking. If you can’t swim you probably shouldn’t jump in the Deep End lady.
thanks to mike for the tip
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