Other Than My New Disease I Am Back And Better Than Ever

By the time we got back to NYC Friday night the bus floor was so dirty you had to parkour from the bathroom to the front seat. And there was really no reason to be in the bathroom, because the sewage tank was so full we were peeing in the sink. Our last showers were in Louisiana on Wednesday morning, and we both had headaches and cold sweats. Six weeks on the road had finally caught up with us. We felt awful.

So thank god we had something to look forward to! My birthday weekend! In New York City! Birthday party at Bounce Saturday afternoon and straight to UFC 205 that night. Let’s get after it! Let’s celebrate!

On a completely unrelated note, somehow I have recently been diagnosed with a rare (for adults) condition called Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. I can’t tell you exactly how I got it, but Glenny Balls tells me it’s trending on Facebook. Google search told me to stay home for 7-10 days, but my doctor told me I was cleared to play ball. So, I’m here in the office today and I’m firing on all cylinders. The only conditions she put on my participation was no kissing, but no kissing at work has always been a personal rule for me anyway. Just how I was raised really.

Anyway, everybody is terrified I’m back. I think Dave wanted to yell at me earlier but he didn’t even do it because he didn’t want to take the personal health risk. Whatever. I’m excited to be here. Let’s get it poppin. Let’s write some blogs. Let’s make some videos. Let’s put caution to the wind and make some internet magic!!

Editor’s Note: If I could pick one person in the office to give it to, it would be Kmarko.

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