Blue Jackets 10, Canadiens 0. Yes, That Is A Real Score That Happened In Real Life

“We want 10! We want 10! We want 10! We want 10!”

Fucking ridiculous. 10-0. Ten goals to zero goals. Scoring in the NHL this season has sort of leveled out after the first week of the season but let me tell you this right now; if you want to make money, then take a page out of the Glenny Balls playbook and go heavy on the overs every night. Because we now live in a world where the Columbus Blue Jackets–a team that is coached by John “Block Shots With Your Face If You Have To” Tortorella–are putting a 10 spot up against the Montreal Canadiens. Ohhhhh but they got Shea Weber! They’re so much better defensively! Shut the fuck up. The NHL is a scorer’s league and it always will be. The dead-puck era can suck my dick because this game is designed for goal scorers and goal scorers only (to be fair, Shea Weber ended the night with a +/- of 0).

In case you wanted to check out all 10 goals on the night, here you go.

Personal favorite was the 8th of the night from Josh Anderson. That poor sack of shit Al Montoya didn’t even see it coming. 30 shots on goal for the Blue Jackets, 10 goals. They went 4/5 on the powerplay. I don’t think we’ve seen a Canadiens goalie get fucked on that hard since Patrick Roy. Not that Al Montoya has the same dick strength to walk out on Montreal like Patrick Roy did back in 1995 but if the team leaves you in to get scored on 10 times, maybe that’s not an organization you want to be playing for.

It should be noted that this is Montreal’s first regulation loss of the season. November 4th or whatever yesterday’s date was. If last season was any indication, a hot early start doesn’t mean shit for Montreal and they’ll figure out a way to screw it all up by Martin Luther King Jr Day.


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