Tiger Woods Commits To Play In The Hero World Challenge In December (For Now)

Oh really? We sure this time around? Or are we gonna feel too vulnerable a few days before December 2nd and back out again? Tiger better not back out again. I swear on my mother’s empty grave I’m only gonna give him like three or four or five more chances if he backs out again. Then it’s over for good. This will surprise you but it’s not as fun when Tiger announces he’s coming back after he ripped your heart out just a few weeks before. I’m still super excited for his return but there’s also a sense of dread. Dread for how he’s gonna fuck it up this time and make all of us Tiger fan boys looks like idiots. We just need him to play. So (tentatively) mark your calendars for December 2nd and (hopefully) feast your eyes on the start of Tiger’s second career on the golf course. Plz god don’t back out again.

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