Bills Fans Give Their Five Year Old A "Fuck Tom Brady" Cake For His Brithday

(Source) My son is turning 5, and he and I go to the local Bills bar/restaurant to catch the games each Sunday. My wife helped me create this masterpiece of a cake for the Patriots game today. It was a big hit – and no, he can’t read yet, so he didn’t know what it said.

Another day, another duff of the cap to #BillsMafia. You really just can’t not love these guys. They’re your fucked up cousin who never amounts to anything but those two times a year they show up to the family party, you know some interesting shit is going to happen and it’s going to be fun. You don’t understand they’re life choices and they’re not for you, but you respect it and don’t judge. Know what I mean? Yeah, we in New England have chosen to make something of ourselves. We want to be successful and rich and all that good stuff. Cousin Buff? They’re perfectly content just getting fucked up all the time and being a maniac who throws dildos all over the place and writes “fuck” on cakes… and that’s perfectly fine. Tomato, tomahto. Everyone’s life goals don’t have to be the same. There’s more than one way to skin a cat. All those cliches. As long as you’re happy that’s really all that matter. Buff is happy getting drunk and losing football games and if they’re happy, I’m happy.

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