Love This Rich Ass Dubai Motherfucker Who Spends Millions Of Dollars On Single-Digit License Plates

Look at this guy! Fucking love him already. Let’s go on…

Money - For high-rolling drivers in the United Arab Emirates, no car is complete without a single-digit license plate. The oil-rich country’s wealthy elite are willing to drop millions of dollars to get their hands on one. Dubai property developer Balwinder Sahni wanted a highly coveted plate bearing the number 5. He wanted it so much, he bid 33 million dirhams ($9 million) for it at a government auction earlier this month. The single-digit plates now adorn two of his six Rolls Royce cars. (He also has two more of the luxury vehicles on order.) It’s also not the first time Sahni has spent serious money on a license plate. He secured a No. 9 plate with a winning bid of 24.5 million dirhams ($6.7 million) at a government auction last year.

And there he is, my favorite person of all time. Tell me money can’t buy happiness and I’ll show you this ghost looking motherfucker spending 15.7 million dollars for 2 license plates. And I can’t lie to you, it’s money well spent. I’m insanely jealous. I was driving once and saw Delaware plate number 218 and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. But that thing wouldn’t even fetch 6 figs. Meanwhile over in Dubai there are 9 single-digit license plates and this cat has 2 of them. That’s how you know you’re a boss. He swims around in the best mail-order prostitute pussy money can buy because of those plates. All the other ghosts in Dubai are insanely jealous, idiots with more than 1 number on their license plates having to buy pet tigers to compensate. As they say, double digits are for losers and triple digits you might as well be a terrorist.

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