Stephen Baldwin Says Alec Baldwin's Trump Impression Isn't Funny And Is Too Mean

Do you hear that? Thats the sound of a loud, wet, fart noise coming out of Stephen Baldwin’s mouth. Just one long, continuous fart as he cries about people not taking politics serious enough. Seriously, Stephen Baldwin? For real? You were fucking Doyle in Bio-Dome. You’re definitely the dumbest of the Baldwin brothers and that includes Billy. I cant imagine one person on the planet caring about Stephen Baldwin’s political opinions.

Now you just wonder what Alec does here. I feel like as the head of the Baldwin Brothers he’s gotta crack the whip. You cant have the underling Baldwins stepping out of line like this. I feel like the Baldwins are almost like Sons Of Anarchy and Alec is like Jax. You fuck with the President of the Club and there are consequences. Maybe he has to get his Baldwin Tattoo blacked out (you know they gotta have some Baldwin Family crest tatt’d on their backs or some shit.) Maybe he has to meet Mr. Mayhem. Who knows. All I know is Alec needs to flex on Stephen in order to keep the Baldwin Balance.

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