Keith Law Scouted Tim Tebow In The AFL, And Says He's 'An Imposter Pretending To Have Talent He Does Not Possess'

If, for some reason, you don’t know who Keith Law is, he’s the big swinging scouting dick at ESPN. Kind of a big deal.

Anyway, he was sent to the Arizona Fall League to scout Tim Tebow, and God bless this man for giving an honest assessment. Not because I believe Law would bend the rules for anybody, but rather because it’s ESPN. Tebow still works for ESPN. You think ESPN would be happy with one of their own tearing their golden boy to shreds? Probably not. Here’s what Law had to say about Timmy T-Ball.

Tim Tebow is in the Arizona Fall League. He might be better suited to playing in an Arizona high school league. His presence here is a farce, and he looks like an imposter pretending to have talent he does not possess.

Tebow the baseball player is not a baseball player; he’s a washed-up quarterback who has size and nothing else. His swing is long, and he wields the bat like someone who hasn’t played the sport in more than a decade, which he hasn’t. He can’t catch up to 90 mph, which is well below the major league average for a fastball, and was cutting through fastballs in the zone on Wednesday night. He rolled over twice on fastballs, which is something you generally see professional hitters do only on off-speed stuff, and he showed below-average running speed. In left field, his routes look like those of a wide receiver, although he managed to eventually make his way around to a fly ball in left.

In short, there’s absolutely no baseball justification for Tebow to be here.

There are organizational players — players who fill out minor league rosters but have little to no chance to play in the majors — in the AFL every year, but they’re at least credible in the role. Tebow is the only hitter I’ve seen here this year or in any recent year who couldn’t even square up a below-average fastball.

Chasing celebrities is no way to run a player-development department, an organization or a league. Everyone involved in the decision should be embarrassed when they’re done counting their money.

Okay, a simple “he’s not good at baseball” would’ve done just fine, but.

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