I Think I Have To Steal This Riggs Logo

So yesterday the good people over at Victus sent customized bats to everyone at Barstool HQ. And by everyone I mean everyone but me. Just no bat for Riggs. A nice “hey Riggs just go fuck yourself” from some supposed fans.

Well today they TOTALLY redeemed themselves. Sent me over this fire Riggs bat.

I have to steal this logo right? All the greats have their own personal logo. Jordan, Brady, Tiger, Pardon My Take. If you don’t have your own logo you’re a loser. You’re a minion. You’re a follower not a leader. Well thank you to the Victus bat makers I am logo’ed up and ready to lead. Can’t wait to sling my own merch and take some sort of content content content franchise to the moon! #GeauxRiggsGeaux

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