The Trailer For "Patriots Day," The Wahlberg Movie About The Marathon Bombing, Is Out

I know some people have some serious reservations about this movie. I get it. If you were injured or had friends and family injured, I can absolutely see hating this movie and hating the fact that you’ll have to re-live the worst day of your life countless times in previews over the next few months. But personally, I’m excited for it. I love Marky Mark, as I’m contractually obligated to since I was born in Massachusetts, love Michelle Monaghan, love John Goodman, love JK Simmons, and love Kevin Bacon. Everyone in the cast is unreal. Simmons even said he doesn’t like doing movies based on real-life events, so as not to offend victims, but thought the script was so “beautifully written” that he had to be a part of it. So I’ve got high hopes for this flick and the trailer did nothing to dissuade me from that. I’m sure it will be weird/tough to watch at times, but I think this is going to be a good one.

Poster for the movie is rather haunting, however. But… in a cool way? If that’s a thing.


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