I Don't Care What The Internet Says, This Was Not An Athletic Catch

This is not an amazing catch. This is not an incredible catch. This is just lucky, plain and simple. So, yeah, I’m happy to give this guy accolades for getting lucky, but to say that this is at all athletic is a disservice to anyone who has made any athletic move in their life. (Not me. I just know people who have been athletic before.) Here’s a litmus test, could he duplicate it? Could this kid make this exact same catch again? Absolutely not. This is just a case of extreme butterfingers that ends up extremely fortunately.

I’m not saying this kid isn’t a great athlete. He might have a 15 foot broad jump for all I know. But this is luck.

Just like Jermaine Kearse was lucky.

Just like Antonio Freeman was lucky.

He didn’t purposely shoulder the ball to himself. The football gods smiled on him and the ball popped into a catchable position. All great moments for sure, but not exactly shining displays of athleticism. So go ahead kiddo, get your over the sweater action at your next high school party and enjoy all the trappings of YouTube fame, but just know that we know, this is not athletic.

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