Everybody Outside Of Fenway Park Thought This Dude Was David Ortiz

We’re now on complete opposite ends of the viral video spectrum today. Earlier today, Feits had a blog about David Ortiz going undercover as a Lyft driver and nobody knew who he was, when he was VERY clearly recognizable. That video was a bad look for everybody that got in the car with him. Obviously, diehards are going to know that that was David Ortiz in the car, and diehards are going to know that this wasn’t David Ortiz outside of Fenway Park, but which one is the least terrible look if you’re a casual fan?

Is it worse to think that this ISN’T David Ortiz?

Or is it worst to think that this IS David Ortiz?

I think it’s way worse to think that the Lyft driver wasn’t David Ortiz. If you live in Boston, even if for some bizarre reason you don’t recognize him with an afro wig and sunglasses on, you’d have to be living under a rock to not know his voice and his laugh by now. But just because it’s a worse look for the Lyft people, that doesn’t mean the Fenway people are off the hook. This dude has perfected the Big Papi look with the hat, sunglasses, earrings, beard and gold chain, but why the fuck would David Ortiz be outside the ballpark drinking a beer before the game? Think, people. Think.

Thanks to Mike for the video.

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