A Situation Between A Guy Filming The Portland Slutwalk And Some White Knights Is As Awful And Dramatic As You'd Expect

(warning: there are some liberated Slutwalk titties in the background here so tread lightly)

Listen if you tell me there’s a “Slutwalk” event (where women are encouraged to embrace their sexuality to fight off the shackles of male of oppression yada yada cum and armpit hair mostly) in Portland I’m fully expecting to see a cavalcade of God-level social justice warriors and weirdos. But the degree to which these guys in the pink shirts are so aggressive and smug and ratcheting up the hostility with this guy is UNREAL. They’re right that his YouTube page is bullshit and he’s about as much of a documentarian as I am a professional basketball player because there’s an NBA 2K created player who looks like me. But the camera guy is right, this creep is standing there taking actual jerk off fodder:

And fucking chainsmoking Marlboros like he’s got to decompress after nutting in his pants at the first glimpse of tits in the park and no one says a thing. At least get your priorities right, “Ally Squad.” For whatever this guy’s credibility is as a member of the press, he doesn’t seem to be there for some free footage of gross titties. When you throw around the phrase “rape culture” liberally for a guy filming in a public park and then try to gang up on the guy with the sissiest squad that’s ever been assembled to intimidate him…I mean Jesus guys, do you not understand how much you’re making this all about you and your precious little mushy bodies that need validation for being “one of the good ones”? It’s honestly enraging how much the social justice warrior culture has turned to self-serving aggression and borderline gangland shit for no real reason with only that one woman at the end being logical enough to deescalate the situation. Did bullying this idiot stop one chick from being sexually assaulted? Did it make any person go “You know what, it is fucked up that women are held to a different standard for their sexual histories”? No. All it did was give a couple of doughy hipster idiots with nothing else going in their lives a second of feeling useful when they’re doing jack shit to help the cause. Die in a fire pink shirts.

The Devnest killed an old blog I had about this but whenever I see a white knight type trying so hard to show how much they respect women soooo much, I can’t help but think of this Joe Rogan clip where he files them all away as “unfuckable white dudes trying to get women and black people to love them,” one of many moments where Rogan completely nailed it:

PS Didn’t know how to work this guy into the blog but what the fuck was up with this guy? Seemed more like a weird Portland dude who’d be a suspect in the murder of sluts in True Detective season 3 than someone concerned about rape culture:

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