Lady Walks Directly Into A Duckboat

BOSTON (CBS) A woman suffered non-life threatening injuries after she was hit by a Boston duck boat in an incident that was captured by a camera aboard the tourist vehicle. The crash took place in the area of Arlington and Boylston Streets around 11:20 a.m. on Wednesday.Boston Duck Tours released surveillance footage of the crash, which appears to show a woman walking in from of the tourist vehicle without looking. First things first. The duckboat didn’t hit this lady. The lady hit the duckboat. I mean when you get hit by a duckboat and the duckboat is literally falling over themselves to release the footage of you getting steamrolled just to prove what an idiot you are you know you’ve hit a whole new level of idiotness. And the footage here is irrefutable. This idiot didn’t even think of looking up. Like I don’t even know if she knew she was crossing a street? Just totally oblivious to life. I guess you have to be to get mashed to pieces by a duckboat.

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